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Giving Cars Weekly with Matt Carlson

From Software to Auto Care

Matt Carlson transitioned from a successful 15-year career as a software developer at Microsoft to the heart and soul behind Fix It Forward Auto Care and Fix It Forward Ministry. Matt’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of passion, purpose, and the pursuit of making a tangible impact on the lives of others.


The Beginning of Fix It Forward Ministry

Matt’s love for cars was not just a hobby but a lifelong passion that eventually led him to question the depth of fulfillment in his corporate job. This introspection, coupled with his desire to use his skills for a greater cause, Fix It Forward Ministry. The nonprofit began as an idea to repair cars for those in need, free of charge. Partnering with local women’s shelters, Matt and his team addressed the transportation barrier that many faced, thereby enabling individuals to regain their independence and rebuild their lives.


Expanding Impact with Fix It Forward Auto Care

As the ministry grew, so did the need for a more sustainable model to support its operations. This led Matt to a pivotal decision: leaving his job at Microsoft to fully dedicate himself to the nonprofit. Matt started in the auto repair business by establishing Fix It Forward Auto Care. The shop not only generated revenue to fund the nonprofit but also provided the necessary infrastructure for car repairs and donations. With four shops now in operation, the business has seen remarkable growth, with revenues surpassing $9 million in 2023.


The Power of Community 

Community partnerships are the core of Fix It Forward’s success. The organization leverages the expertise of volunteer technicians and retired professionals to repair cars. Partnerships with local schools provide students with hands-on experience while contributing to the ministry’s mission. This synergy not only enhances the learning experience for students but also ensures a steady flow of skilled technicians passionate about making a difference.


Expanding the Mission

Looking ahead, Matt envisions expanding Fix It Forward’s impact to surrounding communities. By perfecting the model of starting and growing auto repair shops, he aims to replicate this success in other areas, empowering more communities and encouraging other shop owners to adopt similar initiatives. Matt’s journey from a software developer to a beacon of hope for many underscores the profound impact one individual can have when driven by a purpose beyond profit. For those inspired to embark on a similar path, Matt’s story serves as a reminder that with the right mindset and dedication, turning passions into a force for good is within reach.